Председатель Попечительского совета Национальной премии в области развития общественных связей "Серебряный Лучник", Председатель Совета директоров агентства «Р.И.М. Porter Novelli» Игорь Писарский приглашен в состав жюри-2015, блок «PR»

Председатель Попечительского совета Национальной премии в области развития общественных связей "Серебряный Лучник", Председатель Совета директоров агентства «Р.И.М. Porter Novelli» Игорь Писарский приглашен в состав жюри-2015, блок «PR».


Igor Pisarsky

   />Igor has been involved in the sphere of communications since 1990 and made
a significant contribution to the development of the Russian advertising and
public relations industry. Igor started his career as an art director and CEO
of METAPRESS agency. In 1993 he founded R.I.M. agency and since 2002 has been
holding the position of the Chairman of the Board of Directors at R.I.M. Porter
Novelli. Igor is responsible for working out the strategic growth directions
for the company and participates in implementation of key projects.</p>
<p>Igor is a co-founder of the Russian Association of Advertising Agencies
(presently ACAR) and served as its director from 1993 to 1996. In 1997, he
founded a national award in PR and Communications, the Silver Archer, with the
support of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Journalists' Union
and the Russian Public Relations Association. He has been the Chairman of the
Award's Board of Trustees from its foundation until today. Igor Pisarsky was
thrice awarded the title of the Media Manager of the Year in the following
nominations: Contribution to Industry Development, PR Industry and Special
Merit in the Development of Media Business.</p>
<p>Igor is an architect by education. He graduated from the Moscow
Architectural Institute, Urban Development Faculty, in 1985. He went on to
complete a doctorate with a thesis

Igor is a member of the Media Industries Associations Council, IAA, Higher Expert Council of the Russian Public Relations Association, as well as Vice-President of President of the Russian Communication Agencies Association. In 2000 he became academician of the Russian Advertising Academy. He has been a member of the Russian PR Academy since 2013.